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Hey babe!! I just wanted to let you know that you are the nicest person I have ever met. You always know how to make me laugh!! :o) I'm soo glad I got to know you this year and become friends with you. You are such a unique, and sweet person, and you better never ever matter what anyone ever says. I hope after graduation you are able to accomplish everything you want. I'm pretty sure you will because you are very determinded person who knows what he wants and how to get it. Well babe I guess I'll say bye, I hope we stay in touch after graduation!!!
-----Love ya,


Hey Zeke, Congragulations on graduating and I hope all your
dreams that you are hoping for after high school come true
for u....which Im pretty sure they will....Luv u always, Brandi


Congratulations on your graduation Zeke!
I am very proud of you (even though I havent known you for very long, but I know you're an awesome person)!
I hope you really enjoyed your high school years,
and good luck in the future!
Keep up the good work cutie!
Love always,
Jenny, your new friend.


Hey , I just want you to know that you have been a really great friend . I appreciate that you have always been there for me . You are truly a unique person and don't let anyone tell you anything different.  Though we have had our ups and downs we have always managed to get through   it.  Good luck in your up comming years , no matter what it is that you decide to do with your life I believe that you will truly be successful because you have a good head on your shoulders and I believe in you and so do many others. You are really something special and don't ever change.  Well I need to say bye , but good luck in life.
I love you very much.
Love Always,
Tiffany Anselmo


Congradulations Zeke, you are the most special person that I have
ever met, besides Ty (hehe)  :)
No matter which road you take, I know you will be successful  !!
I hope one day to have you as a "Brother- in-Law"
Hopefully, I can make you a proud "Uncle"   :)
Love Always, Ashly


Congrats babe, I want to wish you the best in the future and
I hope that all your dreams come true.
You have been a wonderful friend to me and I will always be here for you! .. Also, dont forget about me when you go to college!
love you!


Hey Zeke
I Hope your Senior year was awesome and that you will succede in life.
I know you will do good in anything you do. I will always remember you and though we have had our ups and downs I hope you do the same. Keep me in your heart always!! Follow your dreams...
Love you always,
Magan Flores

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Song Playing is "That's What Friends Are For"